Tuesday, June 25, 2013

June Farm Update

Hello everyone!!

It is time for a BB Farms update!! The ducks and chicks have grown, new little additions have made their way to the farm, a lot of fun things have been happening and there is so much more to look forward to!

The ducks and chicks are now full grown and loving the farm life!! It has been wonderful watching them grow so fast!! We love having them here and I think they feel the same.

Our 6 full grown Peking ducks, waiting (not so patiently) for food!!

Our chickens, always wanting to be part of the action and always finding a place to avoid Bergen rain.

Our NEW BB Farms friends include 5 rabbits and 20 new hens.  We now get about 35 eggs daily from our 39 chickens.  We have 2 white belgium giants and 3 pet rabbits.  Everyone has heard the story from their parents about their favorite pet "going to live on a farm where they can run around and be so happy".  Well, that place exists and it is called BB Farms.

Farm fresh eggs...nothing is more delicious!! We have fresh eggs packaged daily so come on up to pick up your dozen!!

One of our 2 white belgium giants.  This one is about 2kg now and will grow to approximately 7!!

A pet bunny named Perla, loving the new home!!

Nap time

Look closely and you will see the second belgium giant.  This one prefers to hang out with the hens in their coop.

The farm cafe and shop "BB Farms Mountain Cafe and Gårdsbutikk" is the next big happening.  We have been working away and plan to have the shop and cafe open in the coming weeks.  So far, we are planning to have berries, fruits, vegetables and of course EGGS from nearby farms in Bergen and Hardanger.  

Also coming soon: 
We have discovered some new friends at BB Farms.  Gnomes, trolls and fairies!!! We weren't surprised to learn that this mountain is the perfect place for these fairytale creatures.  We will have an adventure fairytale hunt for the kids in the near future, where it may be possible to spot a gnome making candy, or even the tooth fairy!!!  

There are plenty of small, hidden gnome houses and workshops scattered around the farm.  Walk quietly while you search and you may just spot one of the gnomes working away.

Keep on following the adventure and we hope to see you soon!!