Saturday, March 30, 2013

Upcoming events and dates to remember

Hello everyone!!

As with anything new and exciting, it will take some time before BB Farms is up and running at full capacity.  We want to keep you up to date on important dates in the future.  Please keep in mind that depending on weather, soil and other factors out of our control, the dates may change slightly.

BB Farm Activities and Important Dates

April 2013: Garden plots available for rent.  Contact us for information and to place your name on the list for a plot.

May 2013: Baby farm animals arrive!! We hope to have piglets, sheep, and chickens.

June 2013: Farm shop opens.  As this is our first season, most produce and products will be from other local farms.

Picking: As most berries have a two year growth cycle, we will not have berries available for u-pick until 2014.  We may have some vegetables, so stay tuned!!

BB Farm Events

TBA (April/May): BB Farm opening party!!  We will have an official celebration when the farm opens for business and we want everyone to celebrate with us!!

May 17th: Independence Day Celebration!! Join us for an authentic Norwegian celebration in the afternoon.  Food and drinks will be available for sale and we will have music, yard games and lots of fun for the entire family!

July 4th: American 4th of July Celebration!  Come celebrate America's Independence day with a BBQ, lawn games, music and fun.  Don't forget to wear your red, white and blue!

July 29th: Jonsok Dag or "Mid-summer day"!! Celebrate a traditional Norwegian party with a bonfire, tug of war, games for children and of course, dancing and singing!!

TBA (July/August): Pig roast Party!! Come for our roasted pig feast and enjoy music, dancing and a full night of entertainment at the farm!!

And many more to come so keep following us!!!

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